Sixth visit of project 2018-2020

Walter Popp (HyKoMed, Dortmund), Marina Lorsch (City Health Department, Essen), Adelheid Jones (Koln) worked in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia from 1-8th February 2020.

This was the sixth visit in the project (2018-2020) “Primär- und Sekundärprävention sowie aufsuchende Prävention bei Hepatitis B/C und Tuberkulose in der Mongolei“ („Primary and seconday prevention as well as visiting prevention of hepatitis B/C and tuberculosis in Mongolia“) funded by German Ministry of Health.

They have visited Hospital No1. Because of coronavirus, every visitor was measured fever at entrance with infrared thermometer only in this hospital. The first floor and the ICU looks renovated.

It was noticed that staff were not doing adequate amount of hand disinfection. They are still making manual cleaning and disinfection even though they are the biggest hospital of Mongolia.

They visited Hospital No 2 and met the new director. They’re doing manual reprocessing due to the washer disinfector not working. They held a meeting with head ward nurses and told how they handle MRSA in Germany.

With the support of City Inspection Agency, they visited 3 different shop which do hair cutting, manicure, permanent make up, laser, waxing, nail, manicure and tattoo. They do permanent make up using single use blades, disinfectants are not available for skin, hands or instruments.

On one afternoon, Marina Lorsch gave a presentation about Corona Virus, around 100 HCWS attended and held a discussion afterwards.

If you would like to know more, please visit Report of the visit to Ulaanbaatar 1-8 February, 2020.